Does story branding really work?
Story is the most powerful tool available to compel a human brain to pay attention. Story formulas position your products and services so the people you are trying to help can find you, hear you, and feel you.
How do we assemble our creative teams?
Every client is different. We assemble our teams based on a number of factors but the primary objective is to bring our A-Team to every project. Every team member is a vetted professional with specific talents. More important, each is aligned with our company mission to help humans preserve mental calories for what matters most.
Do we collaborate with other creatives?
Yes. We’re a team of creatives who all work independently and know how to work with designers, brand strategists, marketing teams, leadership, even other writers.
How long does it take to build a brand story website?
Let’s be straight up, most websites never get done as fast as anyone would like. It’s a big undertaking and often web companies seriously underestimate the amount of time they need to deliver quality work. Web developers appreciate working with us because we make their job easy by providing a wireframe along with content and photo recommendations.
When everything flows smoothly, as it often does for us, we can brand a start-up company and launch a basic story formula website in approximately three months. Your time commitment is minimized by our efficient processes and insightful writers.
Who are our influences?
Every writer or artist has influences. Ours range from Hollywood writers to branding geniuses. These days, we look up to branders who are using their ninja-like skills to shift paradigms and build a more equitable world.
Check out our Favorites Page to see our recommendations on thought leaders in the branding world and other things related to creativity.
Why is high-value content writing so specialized?
Smart companies incorporate a variety of messaging platforms including social media, thought-leadership blogs, e-mail marketing, press releases and more. The need for written content just keeps growing and eating into what was once reported news space. In so doing, the very same writers who were writing for major news papers five years ago are transitioning into the world of branding. Their contribution is just one factor driving the demand for quality, high-value content from those who are talented with a pen.
Why can’t I reach my audience without a story?
You can, but the story formula is proven to get your target audience’s attention faster and compels them to take action. You’ll connect with your customer emotionally and bypass the mental noise. They’ll eventually come to care about you because you solve their problem on a deeper level.
Why can’t I write my own website?
The better question is, “Should I write my own website?”
Writing isn’t for everyone just like building houses isn’t for everyone. Excellent word-smithing requires focused-time alone, practice, creativity, and a willingness to self-edit.
Not only do we love writing, we’ve also honed our craft over many a writer’s tears. Our advice is do what makes you light-up on the inside and if it’s not writing, hire us.
Do blogs really help my online business?
The short answer is, YES! There’s not enough space here to answer this question in detail but look for our blog space to launch soon. We will talk in detail about high-value content generation and growing your audience.
Which turnkey package should I start with?
There’s no short answer here because a conversation needs to happen first. Schedule a call and we promise there is no obligation to purchase anything. We know you’re on a fact finding mission and our role is to provide you a transparent view into who we are and how we work so you can answer this question for yourself.
Why build a brand before a business?
A brand is an investment in your business that sets the course for everything that follows. Never skimp on developing your brand. Your business will thank you.