Lori J Beaty

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Project Athena - Day 119 (Animals)


Today, I felt compelled to find bison for the last animal photo in this theme. As I was driving North to the Wyoming border where I knew of some herds, I was contemplating the essence  of the bison and the qualities they symbolize. Here are some of the words that came up in the stillness of the drive that describe bison for me: protection, feminine courage, abundance, knowing, steadfastness, patience, strength, presence, connected, survivor, stoic, giving for the greater good, family, independent, spirited, abundance, and gratitude.

Considering these animals were once seriously endangered on this planet, I am very grateful to all those who took up their cause and protected them from extinction. In honor of these great survivors, today I spent my meditation time in gratitude for the sacredness of all of life and all of creation. I bow to life and the abundance that is. Smiling


Bison Calf Nursing

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 55-200mm lens • 200mm • F5.6 • 1/400s • ISO 400