Project Athena - Day 199 (Lights)
Particle or Wave?
Today as I was lying on the floor, looking up at the rope light that adorns the underbelly of our dining room counter top, I was contemplating the theory of wave–particle duality and how quantic entities exhibit the properties of both. Hah-Hah. Not really! I was really thinking about how good it felt to be horizontal and that I could take a nap right under the dining room table.
Alas, I took some abstract pictures of the light and of the cats who could sense a nap coming on and thought they were going to have a person to cuddle with. I reluctantly got up and found my way to the computer to make this post.
It is amazing though to consider that light gets into everything and can go everywhere. In my younger years, I spent a great deal of time in dark rooms, developing film and making prints. Keeping the light out was always the challenge then, especially when those dark rooms were nothing more than a makeshift, converted coat closet.
It's wonderful "stuff", light. I am glad I don't spend my days in the dark any more. Just the opposite. I am devoted to bringing in more light in my life, whether in waves or particles.
Rope Light. Particle or Wave?
Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 55mm • F/13 • 1/60s • ISO 400