Project Athena - Day 85 (Musical Instruments)
Guitar Man
“Music can change the world because it can change people.”
Today begins the theme of musical instruments. It's going to be a week of really stretching myself to find the photographs. I am a little intimidated by this theme because I personally do not play any musical instruments with the exception of a drum that I made myself and pound upon when participating in drumming circles. (Hey, that gives me an idea for another photo.)
My oldest brother, on the other hand, is an accomplished musician and collects instruments like I collect camera equipment. This Fender Stratocaster is one of six guitars in his repertoire. It is a gift to watch another artist express their passion about what they love most. Thanks for the photo bro.
Fender Stratocaster
Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 40mm • F/6.3 • 1/80s • ISO 400