Project Athena - Day 110 (Transparency)
Being in the flow
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
Today's post is a photo I took earlier this summer fits the theme, I like it and I am heading to Denver to celebrate my father's 76th birthday. We are gong for a scrumptious Italian dinner and then to see the Chihuly exhibit at the Denver Botanical Gardens. Even though I have seen it before, I am stoked to go again and this time I will be looking for transparency which should be pretty easy since it's all glass. Big smiles today.
CSU Water Fountain
Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 22mm • F7.1 • 1/200s • ISO 100