Project Athena - Day 222 (Assignment: Shamanic Tools)
What's in Your Medicine Bag?
In 1991 the body of a prehistoric man was discovered frozen solid high in a mountain range and with him was his medicine bag. That's someone who lived over 5,000 years ago carrying one of these magical little pouches known to most cultures. They contain objects such as leaves, feathers, stones, crystals, bones, teeth, herbs, sage, beads and other spiritually significant objects which have been selected by or gifted to the wearer. I wear my home made medicine bags when I go on nature walks for both protection and also as a means of communicating with nature that I come in peace and am one with all.
Who's in Your Medicine Bag"
Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 34mm • F/5 • 1/6s • ISO 100