Project Athena - Day 255 (Vanishing Point)

Fading Away

I get it. The addiction to gambling I mean. Spending the day in Blackhawk with my family, I felt my true self begin to fade away and some distorted reality begin to take over...a different definition of "vanishing point."

It's an odd experience to feed money (energy) into a machine, observe the emotional fluctuations within myself, build hope on some random poker hand, and be sucked in by the occasional successes. I guess gambling once every five years or so offers some perspective on life. Had I walked away with lots of money, I think the perspective would be different and the new camera ordered. Honestly, I am glad it didn't happen that way as I am acutely aware that my commitment to my path is based on a deeper conviction than luck of the draw.

My big win for the day was taking this picture and time with my family.

Blackhawk CasinoNikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 18mm • F/3.5 • 1/60s • ISO 400

Blackhawk Casino

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 18mm • F/3.5 • 1/60s • ISO 400


Project Athena - Day 256 (Vanishing Point)


Project Athena - Day 254 (Vanishing Point)