Project Athena - Day 264 (Hearts)

Bloggable "Mistake"

I have felt immensely inspired this week to try some new things with the camera! That almost always produces failures of some sort or unexpected results. This one came when I was standing in a darkened laundry room (the only room in our house without windows) and had the camera on a tripod with me in front of the lens. I was air drawing hearts using our laser light cat toy. Thankfully the cats were not in the room with me. I must have shone the light directly into the digital sensor accidentally. Ooops. I don't actually recommend that "technique" but it happened and here is the result.

Laser Light Heart

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 35mm • F/5 • 3s • ISO 100


Project Athena - Day 265 (Hearts)


Project Athena - Day 263 (Hearts)