Project Athena - Day 283 (Shadows)
A Day on the Senate Floor
Need I say more? Dinosaurs went extinct for a reason.
By the way, I did get a response to my letter to Senator Gardner. He said a whole lot of "blah blah blah" about how threatening Iran is to the entire world. There was no mention of the infamous "Letter to Iran" he signed and sent. If you have been following this story in the political news, you know the 48 "T-Wreckers" are all over the map with their explanation of why they attempted a blatant sabotage of the negotiations in the most delicate stages. The final outcome of this monumental fuck-up remains to be seen.
Maybe a terodactilo will have them all for lunch.
A Day on the U.S. Senate Floor
Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 27.9mm • F/8 • 1/900s • ISO 400