Project Athena - Day 292 (Bridges)
Crossing Another Bridge
I just got home from a beautiful life send off for my friend Fay. It was a beautiful Buddhist ceremony, called “Shing Kam: Pure Realm of Shambhala,” written by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. Fay, who was a Shambhala Chaplin, also shared her final teaching on practicing kindness, which was a gentle yet deeply moving message and exactly how she lived her life.
It felt great to also reconnect with friends I've not seen in awhile, to revel in the well lived life our sister Fay and to practice the kindness she wanted for us all. I am sure she is well onto her next journey by now and smiling all the way. As you cross the final bridge into where ever that may be dear Fay, know that all is well.
Poudre River Trail Bridge, Fort Collins, CO
Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 25.4mm • F18 • 1/50s • ISO 320