Project Athena - Day 270 (Freebie)
Wood and Ice
It was a chilly, crisp day for shooting when the sun finally peaked through the blanket of clouds in the late afternoon. I was able to pull away from work, take a drive into the foothills and try out the new camera in 10˚ temps. She did great! It feels really satisfying to be cultivating a relationship with my new sidekick. I am learning more about her capabilities every time I pick her up and she continues to amaze me. Granted, we are still in the honeymoon phase but with spring coming, the days getting longer and the time change on the horizon, there is gonna be a whole lot of getting to know each other. Winky, winky.
Icicles Draped on a Wooden Fence
Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 66.2mm • F/6.4 • 1/180s • ISO 500