Project Athena - Day 46 (Old Technology)

BEHOLD. The Chemex® Coffee Maker

With the Chemex, even a moron can make good coffee.
— Inventer Peter Schlumbohm

This sensually shaped hour glass vessel enticed me back in the 80's when I didn't even drink coffee.  Now that I am a coffee purist and design geek, I find that this elegant, pop culture, iconic brewer still makes the best cup of coffee EVER...clear, pure, and without the added flavor of metal or plastic.

I love the uncomplicated polished wood collar and leather tie that corset the curves and serve as the handle. Design and function! That makes me smile, always.

BTW - the original design was by a German inventor named Peter Schlumbohm in 1941. You can still buy the Chemex today! They haven't changed.

Chemex® Coffee MakerNikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 18mm • F/4 • 1/8s • ISO 200

Chemex® Coffee Maker

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 18mm • F/4 • 1/8s • ISO 200


Project Athena - Day 47 (Old Technology)


Project Athena - Day 45 (Old Technology)