Project Athena - Day 47 (Old Technology)
Nostalgic Ski Fence
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”
Although I grew up in the Fort Collins area as a child, it wasn't until I was 17 years old that I began exploring and falling in love with the Rocky Mountains. I have hiked many a trail, four-wheeled into places I probably shouldn't have, backpacked across the continental divide and driven almost every available road in the hills to the west of where I live.
During one of my excursions into the hills back in 1979, I came upon this ski fence. Today, it looks almost exactly as it did thirty five years ago. It seems that I have driven by this handiwork now hundreds of times over the years and every time, I smile and still take a picture. I fondly remember that first impression as a young woman: what a creative world this is that I get to live in.
Ski Fence, Rist Canyon, CO
Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 18mm • F/14 • 1/80s • ISO 200